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Japan Equities - Why Quality Growth still holds the key to long-term success?

In this webinar, Portfolio Manager Richard Kaye will discuss his views of the market environment and outlook. He will also provide a review of the fund's performance and current portfolio positioning.

Europe Equities - YTD 2024 Review and outlook

How has our Comgest Growth Europe fund performed amid the shifting market dynamics in 2024? In this nine-minute webcast, Product Specialist Wolfgang Fickus takes you behind the numbers, offering a performance update and insights into the opportunities and challenges shaping 2025.

Quality Insights: 7 questions with Louis Citroën, Analyst/PM, US Equities

In this video, Portfolio Manager Louis Citroën explores the intricacies of the US economy and highlights its attractiveness for investors. He illustrates how our portfolio aims to achieve long-term growth by focusing on quality growth companies that tend to thrive regardless of market cycles, trends or geopolitical developments.

Global Equities: Is the Market too Concentrated? Exploring Opportunities Beyond the Top Stocks

In this 30-minute webinar, Portfolio Manager Laure Négiar discusses the importance of diversification, especially in market conditions that tend to favour a small percentage of US large cap stocks. Laure also provides a review of the Comgest Global Equity portfolio's performance and discusses how our strategy offers investors exposure to leading quality growth companies both inside and outside of the tech/AI sectors. This enables the team to build resilient portfolios that deliver sustainable, long-term earnings growth, leveraging the breadth and depth of our global research platform.


Although ageing is a fact of life for people, some quality companies have spanned decades, if not centuries, and remain in their prime — or even stronger. Comgest's Wolfgang Fickus highlights Lindy's Law, which explains why these "marathon runners" get better with age, and why they're the bedrock for the compounding benefit captured in our quality growth portfolios.

Quality US Growth with a secret advantage

US Equities Analysts and Portfolio Managers Louis Citröen and Justin Streeter reveal what gives Comgest the edge in finding the quality performers that drive our US strategy. (6 mins.)



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