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Comgest actively supports a number of key industry initiatives. Our participation in these initiatives helps inform our internal risk assessment and stewardship activities.


  • Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI): Signatory since 2010

2023 PRI Assessment Report
2023 PRI Transparency Report

  • RI Plenary of AFG (Association Française de la Gestion Financière / French asset management association) - Member; contributes to the development of responsible investing within the French asset management industry (Comgest is a member of the working group on biodiversity organised by the AFG).

  • Stewardship codes

UK Stewardship Code: Signatory
US Stewardship Code: Supporter
Japan Stewardship Code: Signatory


  • The Irish Funds Industry Association: Member; The Irish Funds Industry Association (Irish Funds) is the representative body for the international investment fund community in Ireland. Comgest contributes to working groups and discussions including on responsible investing.
  • Investment Company Institute (ICI): Member; The Investment Company Institute (ICI) is the leading association representing regulated investment funds. It aims to help strengthen policy and regulatory frameworks and to encourage sound governance, operational, and fiduciary practices.
  • Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile:  Member; The Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile (Forum for Sustainable Finance) is a non-profit association founded in 2001 with the aim of encouraging the inclusion of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in financial products and processes.


  • Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAMI): Signatory; initiative driven by an international group of asset managers committed to supporting the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner.
  • CDP: Signatory; not-for-profit charity that runs a global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts.
  • Climate Action 100+ initiative: Signatory; investor-led initiative to ensure that the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change.
  • Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD): Signatory; released climate-related financial disclosure recommendations designed to help companies provide better information to support informed capital allocation.
  • Farm Animal Investment Risk & Return (FAIRR) Initiative: Member; investor network focusing on ESG risks and opportunities in the global food sector.
  • Deforestation-Free Finance Initiative: Signatory; brings together experts in deforestation, nature-loss and sustainable finance to provide expertise and guidance to financial institutions as they seek to address their deforestation risks. 
  • Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC): Member; European membership body for investor collaboration on climate change. Comgest notably participates in IIGCC’s Net Zero Engagement Initiative (NZEI). The NZEI is an investor led initiative aimed at helping IIGCC members align more of their individual investment portfolios with a net zero pathway using corporate engagement. It focuses on major emitters beyond the Climate Action 100+ focus list.
  • Investor Policy Dialogue on Deforestation (IPDD): Member of the IPDD Brazil; collaborative investor initiative to engage with public agencies and industry associations in selected countries on the issue of deforestation.
  • Investor Initiative on Hazardous Chemicals (IIHC): Member; an investor-led collaborative engagement initiative that aims to reduce the impacts on human health and the environment from the manufacture of hazardous chemicals, thereby reducing financial risks to investors in these companies from litigation, regulation and threats to license to operate.
  • Nature Action 100: Participant; global investor engagement initiative focused on driving greater corporate ambition and action to reduce nature and biodiversity loss. Investors participating in the initiative engage companies in key sectors that are deemed to be systemically important in reversing nature and biodiversity loss by 2030.
  • Partnership for Biodiversity Accounting Financials (PBAF): Member; an industry-led partnership that enables financial institutions to assess and disclose impacts and dependencies on biodiversity of their investments. 
  • Avoided Emission Factor Database initiative (AEFDi): Founding partner; initiative that aims to standardise the calculation of avoided emissions. The 10 partners supporting the initiative are working with specialised consultants to develop a global database of greenhouse gas emission avoidance factors for low-carbon or green enabling solutions. 
  • Nature Benchmark Collective Impact Coalition (CIC): Member; an initiative organised by the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) which will focus on engaging with companies to improve their assessments and disclosure of their impacts and dependencies on nature.


  • 30% Club France Investor Group: Member; French chapter of the business campaign aiming to boost the number of women in board seats and executive leadership of companies all over the world.
  • Investor Alliance for Human Rights: Signatory; collective action platform for responsible investment that is grounded in respect for people’s fundamental rights. 
  • PRI Advance Platform: Supporter; stewardship initiative where investors work together to take action on human rights and social issues.
  • Access to Medicine Foundation: Supporter; independent non-profit organisation that analyses how the world's largest pharmaceutical companies address access to medicine.
  • Collaborative engagement on Tech, Mental Health and Wellbeing: Member; collaborative investor initiative seeking to engage with technology companies on best practices around mental health and wellbeing, in order to mitigate ESG risks associated with the negative impacts of technology i.e. social media, gaming and telecommunications.
  • World Benchmark Alliance (WBA) Collective Impact Coalition on Ethical AI: Member; Collaborative investor initiative and engagement campaign facilitated by the World Benchmarking Alliance and industry peers, aiming to push technology companies to advance ethical AI policies and practices.


more about esg

our ESG story

Responsible investing is core to what we do. We see investing responsibly as an opportunity, rather than obligation.

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Our policies

Responsible investing is built in, not bolted on our policies.

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